“Drip irrigation systems are different from traditional
irrigation methods,” said John Minor, owner of Irrigation and Lighting
Specialist. “With drip irrigation, water is fed underground directly to the
roots. With traditional irrigation, water is distributed above ground and soaks
into the soil. Many of our customers aren’t aware of this other method and the advantages it can provide.”
Since drip irrigation systems are different than traditional
irrigation and lawn sprinklers, we have put together an overview of its design
to outline the distinctions.
Features of Drip Irrigation Systems
Valves – The valve is
located at the top of the piping. This feature manually controls when water is
flowing or turned off.
Backflow Preventer
backflow preventer is critical in protecting your health and safety. This
feature prevents dirt, salmonella or any other materials from getting sucked
back up the tube and into your drinking water.
Pressure Reducing Valve – A
pressure reducing valve does exactly what it says; it reduces the water
pressure to keep it flowing at a constant level.
Water Filter – The water
filter is a highly recommended feature in drip irrigation systems. It prevents
large particles and any harmful substances from reaching your plant’s roots.
Not only does it help plant health by providing clean water, it prevents build
up and blockages in the tubing by filtering out large particulates.
Drip Tubing
The drip tubing carries your water to the
desired watering area. There are openings in the tube to install drip emitters.
Drip Emitters – Drip
emitters screw or snap into the drip tube and determine how quickly water is
released from the tube. Different emitters can be installed based on your
needs. The plant type, local rainfall amounts and many other factors determine
which emitters are necessary.
End Cap – The end cap is
placed at the end of the drip tube. This stops water from flowing out of the line. It can be removed to flush out any blockages or particulates
built up within the tube.
“We have outlined the basics of drip irrigation
system design, but each part offers different advantages and disadvantages. There
are several types of valves, drip tubing and drip emitters,” said Minor. “We
want to make sure our customers get exactly what they need out of their drip
irrigation. We love to discuss the options these systems offer with our
customers to best suit their needs.”
We have been installing irrigation systems for
nearly 30 years and have served customers with a variety of needs. Our
installation experts will custom design an irrigation system for each
customer’s requirements.
Designing and installing a drip irrigation system can be complicated. Let the experts at Irrigation and Lighting Specialist handle it for you. To contact us with any questions or to schedule a consultation, please e-mail John or call 704-747-0235.